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Swisso Logical
Swisso Logical skincare
Anti-Ageing Collection
Day cream
Night cream
Body Care
Gold special edition
Individual items
Individual Items
About Health
Product Advantages
Product Benefits
La Danza
Swiss Nature
Philip for Men
Sinu asukoht: WEB / TOOTED / Zepter Cosmetics / Swisso Logical / Swisso Logical skincare / Moisturiser
Teksti suuurus | A | A | A


After cleansing, the skin needs the necessary nutrients, optimal moisture and good protection.
The cosmetic product we use has a maximal effect on the skin depending on, amongst other factors, the time of day.
So, during the day, we use a product which stimulates and boosts the skin’s natural defensive powers and protects it
against harmful effects caused by external factors. In contrast, we use an intensifying cell regeneration product for the night time.
The Swisso Logical line includes products that answer all the demands of different skin types, for both daytime and night time.